
Abseiling rail workers help keep trains moving in fight against Covid-19

Abseiling rail workers have been reaching new heights to help keep other key workers on the move in the fight against Covid-19.

Abseiling specialists have been securing a steep railway cutting making it more reliable for passengers on the line between Liverpool and Ormskirk.

Specialist contractors scaled the rock cutting at Aughton Park station in West Lancashire over several recent weekends. The work involved removing loose material, inspecting drainage and monitoring the ground conditions on a slope beside the busy railway line.

Rope access teams and engineers carried out the essential safety work while maintaining a two-metre distance from each other, in line with government guidelines for essential workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tony Butler, route asset manager for geotechnics at Network Rail, said: “Our teams are working around the clock to make sure people who cannot work from home can still get to their jobs. This includes NHS staff who use the railway to get to work in hospitals in Liverpool, Aintree and Ormskirk. I’m proud of the hard work our staff continue to deliver, even during this incredibly difficult time.”

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