
Tide completes Europe’s tallest modular building

Volumetric developer Tide has completed work on a landmark development in south London - which now ranks as Europe’s tallest modular building. 

The development in Croydon, named College Road, comprises two buildings - a 50-storey build-to-rent development with 817 one-bed and studio apartments, and a 35-storey building providing 120 affordable homes. 

The 50-storey, 163-metre building is Europe’s tallest volumetric modular tower. 

Until now this record was held by another of Tide’s developments, neighbouring Ten Degrees, which includes a 135-metre tower and was completed in 2020.

Completion of construction comes two months ahead of schedule, further enhancing returns for investors Oaktree Capital Management and operator Outpost Management. 

As both developer and contractor for College Road, Tide worked alongside its sister company and volumetric manufacturer, Vision, using an approach that cuts traditional construction time by up to 50%. 

The efficiency of Vision’s offsite technology resulted in 73% of the entire development floor plate being installed in 32% of the programme, helping to achieve the 28-month schedule. 

This technique with its efficient construction logistics enabled the delivery of 937 homes on the constrained 2000m2 site.

The development was designed by Tide and Vision’s in-house design teams in collaboration with architects HTA Design.

John Fleming, chairman of Tide and Vision, said: “It's fantastic to see this landmark development come to completion after only 28 months, two months ahead of schedule. 

“College Road demonstrates the many benefits that come with building volumetric and its capacity to transform constrained sites into valuable real estate, but most importantly, providing nearly 1,000 homes and a revitalised public realm for Londoners delivered in an efficient and sustainable way. 

“College Road is a milestone development that highlights our strong partnership with Outpost Management and Oaktree Capital Partners.”

If you would like to contact Karen McLauchlan about this, or any other story, please email